Book Review: Delorean: The Rise, Fall and Second Acts of the Delorean Motor Company

DeLorean: The Rise, Fall and Second Acts of the DeLorean Motor Company by Matt Stone
Motorbooks, an imprint of The Quarto Group
ISBN: 978-0-7603-8471-8
eISBN: 978-0-7603-8472-5
John Zachary DeLorean was a man of many things, and author Matt Stone goes through great-lengths and details to bring all of it to light in: DeLorean: The Rise, Fall and Second Acts of the DeLorean Motor Company. The good, the bad, and the ugly, it's all here in his wonderful exposé.
This title is the latest in The Sports Car Compendium book reviews, our first for 2025. This in-depth look into all things DeLorean is a compelling read and reference.
The Tactile Experience:
Stone has done the unthinkable with DeLorean: The Rise, Fall and Second Acts of the DeLorean Motor Company, He has me searching want ads for a clean DeLorean DMC-12. Perhaps all car enthusiasts share some commonality with the rebellious figure.
For anyone wanting to thoroughly explore an icon of automotive history from it's ethos, this is it. And while DeLorean may be a cultural punch-line for drugs and failure to some, this book puts to rest that to that misnomer. A far more realistic portrait of a dedicated, driven and troubled man and company is presented. It makes JZD more relatable and the reader sympathetic to the circumstances surrounding the rise and fall.
If you are interested in purchasing, buyers can get their copy from publisher Quatro for $40.00 USD.
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